Installation & Service

Reputation is something that is earned through hard work and lost in an instant.

We value both our reputation and the reputation of the equipment we offer, therefore, it is in our best interests that the systems we launch work as long as possible and as efficiently as possible.

Prevention is better than repair. We perform regular maintenance and repair of the entire range of equipment used, without offering unnecessary work.

There are always reasons to choose a competent and experienced team for installation. Not everyone is aware of them.

In the simplest cases, contractors, realizing their incomplete knowledge, can take this into account by laying in a "reserve" - ​​more boiler/air conditioner capacity, larger pump size, more radiator sections...

At sites more complex than a one-story private house with a simple heating system, the notorious "reserves" can play a cruel joke on the owner and, if the contractor is conscientious, on him too.

It is no secret that most small projects are still carried out without preliminary design, or using mandatory sections for this type of facility. In this case, the choice of contractors determines more - from the time of commissioning to the durability of the system and maintaining warranty obligations from equipment manufacturers. Indeed, we do not impose the design service where it objectively does not make sense. In other cases, to maintain your peace of mind and, often, optimize capital costs, we will reasonably recommend this service.