Solar heating system for a factory's personnel needs

Solar heating system for a factory's personnel needs фото

All-seasonal solar collectors provide 90% annual heating performance for hot water supply (HWS) needed by factory's personnel daily.

According to stable daily hot water consumption, the perfect balance between the volume of heated tanks and the solar field was chosen.

Wrong calucalation could lead to unreasonable excessive cost with minor or zero gain of coverage rate.

Lowering the volume of HWS tanks could lead to overheating, which could lead to excessive wasting of water or shortening service-to-service interval dramatically.

If the solar field would be insufficient, demand coverage wjould be much lower. Making it too large, the same low volume problems would have occured, which coul be overcome, but it's not always technically possible and would lead to complitating the system, which would make it unreasonably expensive.

Tank volume too big could cause peak heater to work more, than it has to, even when the solar energy is enough, which would bring down the economical effect significantly.